Wednesday 9 November 2016



            Before I have started to study for my first test, firstly I organized my study space and make sure I have all of my notes ready, and got rid of all distractions. Also, I have set out a timetable for my study, so I felt confidence and patient because I gave myself enough time to go through everything. Secondly, I started to read notes from our website, and try to type any codes that I was not quite sure about. After I felt good with those basic notes and codes, I started to practice on past tests from the last four years. I believe the most effective way to prepare for tests is to practicing taking past versions. This helped me to be familiar with the questions because there was something that I have not seen before on the tests. Hence, I timed myself, so I could also practice for making sure I spend the right amount of time on each types of questions. Then, I organized a study groups with my friends. We were asking questions and explaining answers to each others. One day before the test, I tried to relax myself, and went through the notes once again.

            I really enjoyed creating the “ying-yang” picture by using functions from one of the past tests. This was interesting because we used to make simple pictures when we were learning how to create pictures in the beginning. When I was studying for the test, I realized that I have to go deeper, and I was proud when I found that I could actually do better. The first project was hard in the beginning, because it was long and looks intimidating. I took my time to read and try to type codes. It took a long time but I found it was actually easy when I have tried couple of times.

            I would like to ask questions in tutorial, but I have trouble doing so, because TAs are busy for our quiz, but it is the best chance to meet TAs. So, I think the best way is asking my classmates or I can just go to the TA office hours.

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